Aurelia FREY

Life rests on silence

Aurelia FREY

Life rests on silence

The Norwegian project « Life rests on silence » was created while in artist-in residence in Halsnoy monastery. It was inspired by Tarjei Vesaas’ novel “The boat at night” and Anna-Eva Bergman’s paintings.

I’m drawn to the notion of passage they explore between Good and Evil, Darkness and Light, Water and Earth.
Tarjei Vesaas writing translates our brain’s twists and turns, these back and forth mouvements between lightness and mist, reality and dreams. All these notions echo the very themes I’m interested in: the relationship to matter, strange and pure characters, prisoners of silence as if in quest of inner worlds, travelling to places where swaying is always prevailing. This instant when things are no longer what they were but become others.
Coming into Tarjei Vesaas ‘universe is according to Tarjei Versaas himself “Not understanding, but being near what’s happening”