


“Blinded by winter, we are wandering in the spring of a world still unknown to us.” Raoul Vaneigem

I have chosen to be a wanderer in the region of Auvergne where I was born. I limited my wandering to farmers ‘land – an old expression still quite alive! I sometimes walk with them, sometimes alone.. Although our work cannot be compared, both are free and enslaved in the same movement as if there was something common to a photographer and a peasant…

As René Char said : Wandering through reality and paying attention to traces not proofs. Traces alone engender dreams.

This series is a dream, a reportage without any subject, a documentary anomaly with blurred outlines: it is what beholders will make of it.
Through the film grain, the half-lit changing farming world takes shape, aside from prevailing intensive agriculture.
Characters and places keep their secrets but intimately conjure up the beauty and harshness of a life ruled by the elements. The twilight of our civilization is gaining ground as we are losing touch with nature, key to our survival.
I wander through winter with wide-opened eyes looking for those who believe in the existence of spring. like those weeds agronomists call adventice.

This on going work started in 2014, with the support of DRAC Auvergne, Grand Clermont community, the Rhône Alpes Auvergne region and Billom community.